Monday, September 26, 2011


Happy Natashadan everybody.

WTF? you ask.

Natashadan is the time of year between my birthdays. Spanning 53 days, this time of year potentially could be considered a holy holiday since I am a Reverend. That's right people, it wasn't enough for me to have two birthdays, I went ahead a took a whole section of the calendar. MBirthdayIBTY.

Unlike Ramadan, the tenets of my Birthday Celebration encourage much indulgence and libations. With 43 days left of Natashadan, there is still plenty of time left to celebrate. Here is how I will celebrate, maybe these activities can serve as a springboard of inspiration for your own festivities!

1. Drinking.
Alcohol or caffeinated. Sometimes both at the same time.

2. Gonna eat some good food.
Life is too short to eat crap food.

3. Be Artsy-Craftsy.
It's scarf season, bitches!

4. One last camping trip with Megan, Brooke, Whit & Breko before it gets too cold.
And by camping we mean to stay in a cabin. And drink.

5. Pub Crawl for cancer.
Combining 2 of my favorite things: Drinking and Philanthropy.

6. Have I said drinking?

7. Quality time with loved ones.
Make my parents take me to dinner.


9. AND WINE!!!

10. Drunk.

Merry Natashadon!

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