Wednesday, April 13, 2011

She puts the "my" in ShaNatAmy

While technically she puts the "Amy" in our collective nickname (For Shannan, Natasha & Amy), I DO think of her as "my" Amy. I loves her the very very most most. She's like RULLY RULLY cool and I totally want to be her when I grow up.

Today she did something AWESOME and I'm super proud (and inspired/awe/amazed too) of her. Unfortunately I can't share the details of it just yet. I know... I'm such a tease. But that's just a hint to HOW FRIGGIN' awesome what she did today WAS!!!

I haven't forgotten, either, that I still owe you a story that involves North Carolina and, in some abstract way, Anderson Cooper. The time is close upon us when I can share that. In a delectable teaser, I can tell you that I've been asked by the producers to not talk about it until it airs.

What could it be??? Knowing me, so many things... but I'm pretty sure you're all wrong.

But back to My Amy.

She's Awesome.

And I just wanted to document for posterity that I love her and her big heart. She's made me run marathons (actually just one half of one.... but still... have YOU run a half marathon?), she's encouraged bathroom picture taking (no, not like that) and turned me on to the best sheets in the world.

I love you Amy.

ps - Shannan - ditto.

1 comment:

MerciBlahBlah said...

I concur, madame. She do rock.

Lubs you too!!